Thursday, April 5, 2012


As a class we learned about different careers and each child made a life-size picture of them and what they wanted to be when they grow up! This project took three days, but the kids absolutely loved it!


During our learning about Dr. Seuss we read Bartholomew and the Oobleck. The kids loved the story and after we finished we made oobleck and we got to play with it! The fun thing about oobleck is when you play with it, it gets hard, but once you stop it oozes right out of your hand!
Jade and our oobleck

Friday, February 24, 2012

President's Day

Here are some of the projects and writing activities we did to celebrate President's Day!
Abraham Lincoln and George Washington

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The 100th Day of School

Today was our 100th day of school! We did a lot of fun activities to celebrate this special day! Pictures of some are activities are posted below for you to enjoy!
"I wish I had 100 beds. I would sleep."
"I wish I had 100 Ms. Eddy and Mrs. L. I would play."
"I wish I had 100 candies. I would eat them all."
Nathan counting his 100 pieces of cereal!
Jackson and Sofia putting 100 sunflowers seeds in groups of 10!
Kayden and Kaylee putting 100 raisins in groups of 10!
Putting fruit loops on our 100 charts to make sure we have 100 for our necklace!
Julie putting fruit loops on our 100 charts to make sure we have 100 for our necklace!
Jaden stringing her 100 fruit loop necklace!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Wonders of the Rainforest

Today we went to a presentation called "Wonders of the Rainforest." This show allowed us to learn about and meet some animals who are from the rainforest! We met five different animals! First we met a macaw, then a iguana, next a tarantula, then an albino python (Ms. Eddy did not like this one at all, haha!), and last we met a cute coatimundi. Pictures of the animals are posted below! The kids and I really enjoyed the show and meeting all of the animals, and learning how we can save the rainforest so these animals can survive!
Albino Python

Monday, January 16, 2012


Last week we learned all about penguins, made our very own penguin, and made a penguin book where we got to be the author and illustrator! We learned about some different types of penguins (emperor, king, fairy, macaroni, black-footed, chinstrap, rockhopper, and adelie), we learned that the penguins favorite thing to eat is krill, and that penguins cannot fly, but they are very good swimmers! Here is a link where you can watch live penguins:
Ask your child about Pierre the penguin!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Puffy Paint Snowmen

Here are our puffy paint snowmen that we made! The kids enjoyed the puffy texture the "paint" had. If you would like to try this at home the recipe is simple: combine equal parts shaving cream and Elmers liquid glue, then mix together to start creating your masterpiece!